Webinar: Unlocking the power of SEO – a digital marketing blueprint for Health & Wellness brands


When is it?

Tuesday 16 July, 14.00pm – 15.00pm

Where is it?

This event will be held as a virtual webinar via Microsoft Teams.

In today’s digital world, potential customers rely on search engines to find credible health and wellness information. If your brand doesn’t rank well on search engines, or appear authoritative online, you’re missing out on valuable customers.

Join PAGB associate members, Click Consult’s SEO Manager Dave Gossage and Senior User-Focused Content Strategist Sarah Macklin as they unveil the blueprint for search engine success. Learn about recent Google updates, including the impact on EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), especially crucial for health & wellness brands.

Discover how to:

  • Navigate Google’s guidelines and avoid penalties
  • Optimise content with expert reviews and high-quality sources
  • Boost your website’s technical SEO and user experience
  • Craft content for humans (not just search engines) and build trust

Register here to secure your place.


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