Webinar: changes to PAGB’s food supplements advertising review process


When is it?

Thursday 29 August, 11am – 12pm

Where is it?

The webinar will be held via Microsoft Teams. Register here.

Following a review conducted by the Advertising Working Group and consultation with the PAGB Board, from 1st October PAGB will be moving from a compulsory food supplements review process for advertising to a voluntary advice service.

Members will no longer be required to submit food supplements copy for approval. However, the advertising team will continue to provide a review service with the same level of advice and support and members will still be required to ensure their advertising follows the principles of the Food Supplements Advertising Guideline.

We’ll be hosting a webinar to provide an overview of the changes and an opportunity for members to share their questions on 29 August at 11am.

Please register here to attend.

If you would like to set up meeting to discuss ways of working for your team, contact laura.kelly@pagb.co.uk.

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