Retailer regulatory membership

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What is retailer regulatory membership?

PAGB retailer regulatory membership is for organisations that operate a retail business selling branded over-the-counter products direct to UK consumers. Our membership enables retailers to stay up to speed on all regulatory matters and input into policy that affects the whole industry, as well as maintaining awareness of supply and maximising your business impact.

Our current retailer regulatory members include:

  • Boots
  • Holland & Barrett
  • Superdrug

Here’s what’s on offer to all PAGB retailer regulatory members

Regulatory guidance and support

Regulatory guidance and support

Whether it’s changes following Brexit, pack design, reclassification or complex ingredient issues, our in-house experts will guide you through the evolving regulatory landscape. We’ll keep you up to date via regular member-only email intelligence briefings and need-to-know alerts.

We also offer retailer regulatory members access to the pre-vetting of changes to pack design and layout for OTC medicines as part of MHRA’s P3 expedited (P3Ex) assessment procedure at a discounted rate, significantly speeding up the process of MHRA approval.

Expert advertising advice

Expert advertising advice

As a PAGB retailer regulatory member, you’re eligible to receive general advertising advice that is not specific product related*. This does not include our copy clearance service.

Get our expert advice and approval on multi-product campaigns featuring a combination of PAGB member companies (direct access on behalf of PAGB member companies).

*Own product/brand-specific bespoke advice (e.g. labelling, advertising) not included, but can be provided at discounted consultancy rates.

Authoritative training and workshops

Authoritative training and workshops

Our suite of training workshops covering regulatory and advertising rules for OTC medicines, medical devices and food supplements are heavily discounted for members and we offer bespoke workshops, available in-house and online.

Representation and influence

Representation and influence

Members are encouraged to join one of our working groups to discuss and influence industry issues and contribute to PAGB activity on regulatory, advertising, public affairs and communications matters.

 A media voice

A media voice

We provide expert comment and opinion to the media about self-care, OTC medicines, self-care medical devices and food supplements and work on behalf of our members to protect and enhance the reputation of the consumer healthcare industry in the media and with the public to promote and encourage self-care.

Day to day benefits

Day to day benefits

Retailer regulatory members can make use of PAGB’s central London meeting rooms at heavily discounted rates, and hot desk at our offices (both subject to availability).

Not eligible for PAGB membership? We can still help…

We have in-house specialists who can work with you to understand what you need and put together a proposal to help you move forward with your consumer healthcare business journey.

Retailer regulatory membership application documents

Retailer regulatory member application form


Retailer regulatory member Terms and Conditions


Terms of Approval for Advertising


Schedule of Benefits


What our members are saying about us

“The leadership, with regards to innovative solutions and influencing the authorities on critical issues for the industry has been outstanding.”

– PAGB full member

What our members are saying about us

“Working closely with PAGB has been instrumental in ensuring the success of the Cialis switch. Their guidance and expertise have helped us to navigate complex matters with MHRA.”

– Serenella Cascio, Sanofi

What our members are saying about us

“Continue the excellent work on EU Exit and engagement with Government bodies – this has been really beneficial to the sector.”

– PAGB full member

Full membership

PAGB full membership is for organisations who manufacture and/or market branded OTC medicines, medical devices or food supplements in the UK.

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Associate membership

PAGB associate membership is for organisations that offer (or could offer), services to PAGB or our member companies.

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Gateway membership

Gateway membership provides your company with the support it needs to reclassify a medicine or launch an OTC product to the UK market.

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Consultancy service

PAGB’s consultancy service enables your business to start on the right foot as you venture into the UK consumer healthcare industry.

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