Safety in consumer healthcare

Consumer safety is our main priority and front of mind across all our work as we help our members to achieve this goal. From monitoring regulatory changes to addressing emerging safety concerns, we provide comprehensive support to our members, fostering collaboration and transparency throughout the process.

Our work on regulatory safety and intelligence


Ensuring patient safety is paramount in the consumer healthcare sector, and we are dedicated to supporting our members to achieve this whilst staying abreast of the latest regulatory developments. Collaborating closely with stakeholders such as Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Association of the European Self-Care Industry (AESGP), we vigilantly monitor potential regulatory changes both in the UK and internationally.

We collate this intelligence to produce a quarterly heat map outlining all the current topics affecting members, including, but not limited to, potential or ongoing ingredient issues. This heat map plots ingredient issues based on the potential impact, urgency, and PAGB’s ability to influence to help us better assess the issue and plan the most effective way forward to ensure consumer safety is prioritised.

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Representing the industry

When evolving regulations or emerging safety concerns impact product ingredients, it can also significantly impact our members. Within the remit of issues that may arise, our aim is to support our members to ensure continuity of consumer safety and clarity on any actions required to achieve this.

In response to emerging issues, we swiftly mobilise by establishing confidential working groups, bringing together affected companies to address the issue collectively. These groups serve as a platform for thorough discussions, ensuring that individual concerns are represented effectively.

Our regulatory team leads these working groups, offering expert guidance and liaising with stakeholders to resolve safety concerns promptly and effectively. Through ongoing communication and regular meetings, affected members receive timely updates and insights, ensuring a level playing field across the industry.

Handling the workshop like a pro

Supporting our members

We provide comprehensive support to our members throughout the process for any ingredient issues. This includes direct communication with stakeholders, and advocating industry concerns and feedback to be considered in regulatory decisions, such as proposing proportionate risk minimisation measures that are feasible for implementation in OTC products. 

We also assist members in adhering to regulatory decisions within statutory timelines, ensuring compliance and the prioritisation of consumer safety, while minimising disruption to operations and supply. As part of our commitment to transparent communication, we are leading the development of new Terms of Reference between industry trade associations and MHRA, enhancing the agility and openness of communication channels during the safety process. 

Managing the media


We work with our members to identify issues that may make headlines and we ensure that any coverage in the media about safety concerns or product ingredient regulatory changes is accurate and, where possible, minimised. We issue statements from PAGB in response to media issues affecting the consumer healthcare industry. We also compile reporting on media coverage and feedback to the working groups to keep members updated on coverage and sentiment.

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