PAGB calls on the Government to maintain momentum on self-care in new State of the Nation report

Today, at the Labour Party Conference, PAGB has launched a new State of the Nation report exploring the current state of self-care and OTC medicines.

Today, at the Labour Party Conference, PAGB, the consumer healthcare association has launched a State of the Nation report exploring the current state of self-care and OTC medicines. This report aims to support the Government by setting out key policy recommendations to action as part of their planning to build an NHS fit for the future.

Self-care can be a quick and convenient avenue for the public to take to address self-treatable conditions. Despite this, each year at least 25 million GP appointments and 5 million A&E visits are used for self-treatable illnesses [1]. If the individuals using these appointments were empowered to self-care using OTC medicines instead, it could save the NHS at least £1.7bn per year in costs [1]. Eliminating these appointments could also save the economy an additional £350m per year as employees would not need to take time out from work for unnecessary NHS treatment [1].

The case for OTC usage and self-care is clear and has become increasingly recognised by the public, the healthcare system and the professional community. There has been a notable shift in policy towards promoting the role of pharmacy, expanding access to OTC medicines and encouraging self-care. However, there is still work to be done. As we move into a new era of Labour Government, and as the 10-year plan for the NHS is being developed, it is vital that we maintain this momentum and ensure people are empowered and supported to access the right care, in the right place and at the right time.

PAGB’s State of the Nation report details 11 recommendations for the Government to action, with a focus on two key areas: public empowerment to self-care and patient access to OTC products.

Public empowerment to self-care recommendations call on the Government to:

1. Ensure that NHS England (NHSE) launch a dedicated self-care ‘hub’ on the NHS App and website – utilising support from industry;
2. Uphold the recently proposed addition to the relationships, sex and health education curriculum that: self-care for minor ailments, and the role of pharmacists as a knowledgeable healthcare professionals be covered by the end of secondary school;
3. Work with NHSE and professional organisations to publish guidelines and training on good clinical navigation for all staff that interact with patients in primary care; and
4. Collaborate with NHSE to launch a sustained nationwide campaign to enhance public awareness of comprehensive primary care services.

Public access to OTC product recommendations call on the Government to:

5. Work with the Reclassification Alliance to explore opportunities to widen the use of 25 OTC products over 5 years;
6. Work with the MHRA to re-evaluate the restrictive criteria for switching a POM to OTC to allow timely access to effective treatments (e.g. injectables to treat life-threatening allergic reactions);
7. Put in place policies to incentivise the OTC sector to reclassify their products in the UK;
8. Work with the MHRA to prioritise open and collaborative partnerships with industry, to ensure the UK remains an attractive destination for the OTC sector to innovate;
9. Work with the MHRA to ensure OTC products are considered as part of innovative schemes to encourage access to medicine;
10. Optimise grant and funding opportunities for small and medium OTC sector businesses; and
11. Agree a long-term funding settlement for community pharmacy that reflects pharmacy’s role in supporting NHS delivery – and ensures patient access to and advice on OCT medicines.

At PAGB, we welcome the Government’s manifesto commitments to take pressure off GP surgeries by “improving access to services and treatment through new routes” and to expand the role of pharmacists [2]. We were also pleased to see the role of self-care and pharmacy recognised in the recent report from Lord Darzi’s investigation of NHS England [3]. As the new Government reflects on the review and sets out its plans to deliver on these commitments and fix the “broken” NHS – including through the development of the 10-year plan – it is vital that policies to widen access to OTC medicines and empower people to self-care are prioritised.

Read the full State of the Nation report here.




1 The Economic Impact of Over-The-Counter Medicines in the UK, Frontier Economics, 2023
2 Labour Party Manifesto 2024
3 Lord Darzi review


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