We’re pleased to announce that PAGB has joined the Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP) as a founding collaborator.The SMP is a not-for-profit private-public collaboration executing projects to make the use of medicines more sustainable and less wasteful.As part of our collaboration, PAGB will represent and facilitate engagement with our members, with a first focus on the development of inclusive, accessible, digital medicines information.Our Chief Executive, Michelle Riddalls, said: “PAGB is keen to support the UK consumer healthcare industry to deliver environmentally sustainable self care. As part of this, we are delighted to be joining the Sustainable Medicines Partnership and look forward to working with our members to fully realise the vision of making medicines more equitable and sustainable.”Nazneen Rahman, CEO of YewMaker and SMP Director said: “Over-the-Counter medicines is a large and growing market that every sustainable medicines strategy must encompass, so we are delighted PAGB have joined the SMP, and we look forward to working with them and the companies they represent.”Find out more about the Sustainable Medicines Partnership here: YewMaker