PAGB attend Eastern Eye hustings event

This week, we attended a hustings event organised by Eastern Eye, which brought together key political figures to discuss critical issues ahead of the general election.

This week, our Head of Public Affairs and Communications, Farhana Hawthorn, attended a hustings event organised by Eastern Eye, part of Asian Media Group, which brought together key political figures to discuss critical issues ahead of the general election. Anneliese Dodds, Chair of the Labour Party and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, Conservative representative, Andrew Boff, and Liberal Democrat peer Lord Richard Newby were in attendance.

During the discussions, two important topics were raised: the role of community pharmacies and health inequalities. The panel noted that GPs can often be bottlenecks to accessing care and that community pharmacies play a vital role in alleviating pressures on the NHS. The panel also recognised the willingness of pharmacies to do more in their communities.

Anneliese Dodds stated that Pharmacy First has been a huge success and that a Labour government would support its expansion. On health inequality, Anneliese shared that Labour would introduce a Race Equality Act, which would be an avenue through which health inequalities could be tackled.

As we head toward the general election on Thursday this week, PAGB is pleased that parties across the political spectrum recognise the value of pharmacies and that they are all committed to tackling health inequalities.

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