About the consumer healthcare industry


PAGB is proud to represent 90% of the top 50 consumer healthcare brands

Our members manufacture branded over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, self-care medical devices and food supplements. These are the types of products that help you to self-care when you’re feeling unwell but you don’t need to see a doctor. In fact, many minor conditions can be treated very successfully through informed use of OTC medicines and with the support of a pharmacist who can advise people about the best way to manage their symptoms.

On this page we’ve summarised some of the key information about the consumer healthcare sector that we published in our groundbreaking 2023 report detailing the economic value of the OTC sector in the UK, in the UK, commissioned by PAGB and undertaken independently by Frontier Economics.

Economic report – coloured background

The economic value of the OTC sector in the UK

OTCs play a vital role for millions of people in managing their own health, with 96% of the UK population experiencing at least one self-treatable illness every year.

The value of the UK OTC market is not limited to helping individuals treat and manage their symptoms. The OTC sector directly, and indirectly, employs thousands of individuals and contributes billions each year in exports to the UK economy. People’s ability to effectively self-care by using OTCs also improves the health of the labour force, reduces workplace absence and offers a quality of life benefit.

Our 2023 report with Frontier Economics – The Economic Impact of Over-The-Counter Medicines in the UK – outlines new research on the impacts of OTCs in the UK. We have provided a snapshot of some of the key figures below.

Current annual impacts of the UK OTC sector



UK OTC sales revenues



Economic contribution to wages and exports



Value of avoided work absence



NHS prescription and appointment cost savings

OTC sector employment, earnings and exports

Over 19,000

Over 19,000

people employed by the sector



Approx. earnings per year



Approx. value of OTCs manufactured in the UK



Worth of OTCs exported internationally

Highlights report (3)

PAGB’s Highlights report

Further information about the consumer healthcare industry can also be found in our 2024 Highlights report which outlines the contributions of PAGB’s activities promoting best practice, influencing government and policy, empowering self-care and navigating regulatory complexities.

It also outlines analysis from NielsenIQ on changing market conditions, challenges and opportunities in the year.

About PAGB

PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, represents the manufacturers of branded OTC medicines, self-care medical devices and food supplements in the UK

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Full membership

PAGB full membership is for organisations who manufacture and/or market branded OTC medicines, medical devices or food supplements in the UK.

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Contact us

PAGB’s office in New Penderel House is conveniently located a few minutes walk from Holborn tube station (Piccadilly line, Central line), 30 minutes walk from Euston and 25 minutes walk from King’s Cross / St Pancras International railway stations.

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