Our commitment to sustainability

At PAGB, we are committed to environmental and sustainability practices that align with our core values. We are signed up to the Global Self-Care Federations Environmental Charter and support our members in three core areas:

Plastics and packaging

Plastics and packaging

Pharmaceuticals in the environment

Pharmaceuticals in the environment

CO2 reduction

CO2 reduction

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Our operations

As part of this work we recognise the impact of our operations on the environment and are dedicated to taking proactive steps and positively contributing to a more sustainable world.

We aim to reduce our CO2 footprint by working with suppliers and implementing changes to minimise the use of energy, water, and other natural resources. We also focus on reducing waste through prevention, reuse, and recycling wherever possible.

To achieve our environment and sustainability goals, we have activated a small working group internally to look at implementing more environmental measures.

Steps we are taking



  • Our central London office now uses 100% renewable energy.
  • We’re working with suppliers who operate using renewable energy sources and introducing an environmental sustainability questionnaire for any new suppliers.
  • We have taken into account ‘green credentials’ when sourcing company bank accounts and new pension schemes for our employees.
  • We are changing our printers and photocopiers to more energy efficient products, whilst also encouraging more paperless communications.
  • We are working with our office cleaners to ensure cleaning products are not harmful to the environment.
  • As a London-based office, we encourage our employees to use public transport, cycle or walk to work.
  • We have moved a number of working groups and training workshops online to help minimise travel into London and carbon emissions for our attendees.


  • Our old technology devices, including computers and mobile phones, are either reused or donated to charitable causes.
  • We have reusable crockery and cutlery throughout our office for our colleagues and for use at our events, including workshops and member meeting dinners.
  • Installed a sparkling water maker in the office to provide this option for guests at our events in reusable bottles, with a take back scheme for the gas cylinders.


  • We have recycling receptacles in our office, including for paper, glass and food waste recycling.
  • We ensure coffee pods used in our office coffee machine are recycled.


We believe that these actions not only benefit the environment, but also our members, partners, and stakeholders. We are always looking for ways to continue reducing our impact and welcome any feedback or suggestions to help us improve our sustainability.

Learn more

Environment and sustainability

Find out more about our policy work on the environment and sustainability for the consumer healthcare industry.

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Find our more about our values

Our values and our people

We hold ourselves to high standards in how we treat colleagues and interact with those that work with us.

Find our more about our values